日本語訳:路面運送における労働時間及び休息時間の規律に関する条約(第六十七号)〔未批准仮訳(『ILO条約・勧告集 第7版』労働省編、労務行政研究所、2000年)〕

C67 (Shelved) Hours of Work and Rest Periods (Road Transport) Convention, 1939
Convention concerning the Regulation of Hours of Work and Rest Periods in Road Transport
(Note: Date of coming into force: 18:03:1955. The Convention was revised in 1979 by Convention No. 153. Following the coming into force of this Convention, Convention No. 67 is no longer open to ratification.)
Session of the Conference:25
Date of adoption:28:06:1939


in English

The General Conference of the International Labour Organisation,

Having been convened at Geneva by the Governing Body of the International Labour Office, and having met in its Twenty-fifth Session on 8 June 1939, and

Having decided upon the adoption of certain proposals with regard to the regulation of hours of work and rest periods of professional drivers (and their assistants) of vehicles engaged in road transport, which is the fourth item on the agenda of the Session, and

Having determined that these proposals shall take the form of an international Convention,

adopts the twenty-eight day of June of the year one thousand nine hundred and thirty-nine, the following Convention, which may be cited as the Hours of Work and Rest Periods (Road Transport) Convention, 1939:

1 この条約は、次の者に適用する。
 (a) 職業的資格において路面運送用車輌を操縦する者、及び
 (b) 路面運送用車輌に乗り込み且つ職業的資格において車輌、その乗客又は貨物に関連する労務に従事する乗務員及びその他の者
2 この条約において「路面運送用車輌」と称するのは、公有であると私有であるとを問わず、機械力により推進されるすべての車輌(電車、トロリーカー及び機械的に推進される車輌により牽引される附随車であって報酬を得て又は車輌を運転する企業の目的のため公道で乗客又は貨物の運送に従事するものを含む。)を包含する。

in English

Article 1

1. This Convention applies to--

(a) persons who drive in a professional capacity a road transport vehicle; and

(b) attendants and other persons who travel with a road transport vehicle in a professional capacity connected with the vehicle, its passengers or its load.

2. For the purpose of this Convention, the term road transport vehicle includes all vehicles, whether publicly or privately owned, propelled by mechanical power, including trams, trolley-cars and trailers drawn by mechanically-propelled vehicles, which are engaged in the transport of passengers or goods by a public highway for payment or for the purposes of the undertaking operating the vehicle.

(a) 専ら個人的の用務に使用される私有の車輌を操縦し又はこれに乗り込む者
(b) 次に使用される車輌を操縦し又はこれに乗り込む者
 (i) 農業的又は林業的企業による運送、尤も右の運送が当該企業の事業に直接関係し且つ専ら右事業のために行われる限りとする。
 (ii) 病院及び診療所による病者及び負傷者の運送
 (iii) 国防及び警察事務のための運送並びに公の機関に関係あるその他の運送
 (iv) 救助事業のための運送

in English

Article 2

The competent authority may exempt from the application of this Convention--

(a) persons who drive or travel with private vehicles used solely for personal services;

(b) persons who drive or travel with vehicles engaged in--

(i) transport by agricultural or forestry undertakings in so far as such transport is directly connected with and exclusively used for the work of the undertaking;

(ii) the transport of sick and injured persons by hospitals and nursing homes;

(iii) transport for the purposes of national defence, police services and other transport effected in the administration of public authority;

(iv) transport for rescue or salvage work.

(a) 右の除外が
 (i) 当該規定を依然として適用される者の労働条件を不当の競争にさらすことのないこと。
 (ii) この条約の適用される者を不当な災害の危険にさらし又は公安を害することのないこと。
(b) 当該国の状態に鑑み、除外されんとする者に当該規定を適用することが不可能なこと。

in English

Article 3

The competent authority may exclude from the application of all or any of the provisions of this Convention owners of vehicles and members of their families who are not employed for wages, or prescribed classes of such persons, if and so long as the authority--

(a) is satisfied that such exclusion will not--

(i) expose to unreasonable competition the conditions of employment of the persons to whom the provisions in question remain applicable; or

(ii) expose to unreasonable risk of accident the persons to whom the Convention applies or endanger public safety; or

(b) is satisfied that in view of the conditions in the country concerned the application of the provisions in question to the persons proposed to be excluded is impracticable.

(a) 「労働時間」と称するのは、関係者が使用者の指揮又は関係者の労務を要求する資格があるその他の者の指揮に服する時間、又は車輌の所有者若しくはその家族については路面運送用車輌、その乗客若しくはその貨物に関連した労働に自己の計算を以て従事する時間を言い、且つ、次の時間を包含する。
 (i) 車輌の走行時間中に行われる労働において費される時間
 (ii) 補助的労働において費される時間
 (iii) 単なる待時間
 (iv) 休憩及び労働中断時間、尤も右時間が権限ある機関により定められる時間を超えない限りとする。
(b) 「車輌の走行時間」と称するのは、車輌が当該労働日の初めに出発する時より車輌がその労働日の終りに停止する時までを言う。尤も車輌の走行が権限ある機関により定められる時間を超えて中断され、その間車輌を操縦し若しくはこれに乗込む者がその欲する通りに自由に使用することができる時間又は補助的労働を行う時間を除く。
(c) 「補助的労働」と称するのは、車輌、その乗客又はその貨物に関連する労働であって車輌の走行時間外に行われるものを言い、特に次のものを包含する。
 (i) 会計勘定、現金の納入、帳簿の署名、労働カードの引渡、切符の引合せに関連する労働及びその類似の労働
 (ii) 車輌の引継ぎ及び車庫入れ
 (iii) 労働者が出勤簿に署名した場所より車輌を引受ける場所まで及び労働者が車輌を離れる場所より仕事の終りに出勤簿に署名する場所までの通行
 (iv) 車輌の保全及び修繕に関連する労働
 (v) 車輌の荷揚げ及び荷卸し
(d) 「単なる待時間」と称するのは、労働者が呼び出しに応ずるため又は時間表に定められる時刻に再び活動を始めるため専らその定位置に留まっている時間を言う。

in English

Article 4

For the purpose of this Convention--

(a) the term hours of work means the time during which the persons concerned are at the disposal of the employer or of any other person entitled to claim their services, or in the case of owners of vehicles and members of their families, the time during which they are engaged on their own account in work connected with a road transport vehicle, its passengers or its load, and includes--

(i) time spent in work done during the running time of the vehicle;

(ii) time spent in subsidiary work;

(iii) periods of mere attendance; and

(iv) breaks for rest and interruptions of work, which breaks or interruptions do not exceed a duration to be prescribed by the competent authority;

(b) the term running time of the vehicle means the time from the moment when the vehicle starts at the beginning of the working day until the moment when the vehicle stops at the end of the working day, excluding any time during which the running of the vehicle is interrupted for a period exceeding a duration to be prescribed by the competent authority during which period the persons who drive or travel with the vehicle are free to dispose of their time as they please or are engaged in subsidiary work;

(c) the term subsidiary work means work in connection with the vehicle, its passengers or its load which is done outside the running time of the vehicle, including more particularly--

(i) work in connection with accounts, the paying in of cash, the signing of registers, the handing in of service sheets, the checking of tickets and other similar work;

(ii) the taking over and garaging of the vehicle;

(iii) travelling from the place where a person signs on to the place where he takes over the vehicle and from the place where he leaves the vehicle to the place where he signs off;

(iv) work in connection with the upkeep and repair of the vehicle; and

(v) the loading and unloading of the vehicle;

(d) the term periods of mere attendance means periods during which a person remains at his post solely in order to reply to possible calls or to resume action at the time fixed in the timetable.

1 この条約が適用される者の労働時間は、一週四十八時間を超えてはならない。
2 権限ある機関は、通常多量の補助的労働を為し又は労働が屡々単なる待時間により中断される者につき、一層長い一週時間限度を許容することができる。

in English

Article 5

1. The hours of work of persons to whom this Convention applies shall not exceed forty-eight in the week.

2. The competent authority may authorise higher weekly limits of hours for persons who ordinarily do a considerable amount of subsidiary work or whose work is frequently interrupted by periods of mere attendance.

1 権限ある機関は、一週労働時間を平均として計算することを許可することができる。
2 権限ある機関が一週労働時間を平均として計算することを許可する場合においては、権限ある機関は、平均として計算することができる週の数及び一週において労働することができる最長時間数を定めなければならない。

in English

Article 6

1. The competent authority may permit weekly hours of work to be calculated as an average.

2. Where the competent authority permits weekly hours of work to be calculated as an average, it shall determine the number of weeks over which the average may be calculated and the maximum number of hours that may be worked in any week.

1 この条約の適用をうける者の労働時間は、一日八時間を超えてはならない。
2 法律、慣習又は関係ある使用者及び労働者の団体間の協約(かかる団体が存在しないときは使用者及び労働者の代表者間の協約)により、一週中の一日又はそれ以上の労働時間が八時間よりも少ない場合においては、八時間の限度は、権限ある機関の許可を得て又は右の団体若しくは代表者間の協約により、一週の残りの日においてこれを超えることができる。尤もいかなる場合においても、一日八時間の限度は、この項の規定により一時間を超えてはならない。
3 権限ある機関は、次の者に関し、一層長い一日の限度を許容することができる。
 (a) 一週の労働時間が第五条第一項に定められるように一週について四十八時間を超えないか、又は第六条に定められるように平均四十八時間を超えない者、及び
 (b) 通常多量の補助的労働を為す者又は単なる待時間により屡々労働が中断される者
in English

Article 7

1. The hours of work of persons to whom this Convention applies shall not exceed eight in the day.

2. Where by law, custom, or agreement between the employers' and workers' organisations concerned, or where no such organisations exist between employers' and workers' representatives, the hours of work on one or more days of the week are less than eight, the limit of eight hours may be exceeded on the remaining days of the week by the sanction of the competent authority, or by agreement between such organisations or representatives, so however that in no case shall the daily limit of eight hours be exceeded in virtue of the provisions of this paragraph by more than one hour.

3. The competent authority may authorise higher daily limits--

(a) in respect of persons whose weekly hours of work do not exceed forty-eight in any week as provided in Article 5, paragraph 1, or an average of forty-eight as provided in Article 6; and

(b) in respect of persons who ordinarily do a considerable amount of subsidiary work or whose work is frequently interrupted by periods of mere attendance.

in English

Article 8

The competent authority shall prescribe the maximum number of hours which may separate the beginning and end of the working day.

1 権限ある機関は、災害事故の結果としての損失時間を所定期間内に補填することを許可することができる。
2 権限ある機関は、本条の規定が適用される場合において、前諸条により許容される時間限度を超えることを許可することができる。

in English

Article 9

1. The competent authority may permit time lost as a result of accidental causes to be made up within a prescribed period.

2. The competent authority may permit the limits of hours authorised by the preceding Articles to be exceeded in cases in which the provisions of this Article are applied.

in English

Article 10

The competent authority may permit the limits of hours authorised by the preceding Articles to be exceeded to a prescribed extent in cases in which it is satisfied that there is a shortage of indispensable skilled labour.

1 本条は、次の場合において適用する。
 (a) 災害、転覆、予見されない遅延、業務撹乱、運送中絶又は不可抗力の場合
 (b) 必要欠くべからざる労務に使用される者が予見されない欠勤を為し且つ代理人を見出すことができない場合
 (c) 地震、洪水、火事、伝染病又はその他の災厄のため必要とされる救済事業の場合
 (d) 公共事業の運営を確保するため緊急にして例外的な必要の場合
2 本条の適用される場合においては、
 (a) 前諸条により許容される時間限度は、これを超えることができる。
 (b) 第十四条に規定される五時間は、これを超えることができる。
 (c) 第十五条及び第十六条に規定される休息時間は、これを短縮することができる。
3 使用者又は車輌の所有者は、権限ある機関の定める期間及び方法において、本条により遂行されるすべての労働時間及びこれが理由を右の機関に通知しなければならない。

in English

Article 11

1. This Article applies in the following cases:

(a) in case of accident, breakdown, unforeseen delay, dislocation of services, interruption of traffic, or force majeure;

(b) in order to make good the unforeseen absence of a person employed upon indispensable work for whom it is impossible to find a substitute;

(c) in case of rescue or relief work necessitated by earthquake, flood, fire, epidemic, or any other calamity or disaster;

(d) in case of urgent and exceptional necessity for ensuring the working of services of public utility.

2. In the cases in which this Article applies--

(a) the limits of hours authorised by the preceding Articles may be exceeded, (b) the period of five hours prescribed by Article 14 may be extended, and

(c) the periods of rest prescribed by Articles 15 and 16 may be reduced, but only in so far as may be necessary for the performance of indispensable work.

3. The employer or the owner of the vehicle shall notify the competent authority, within a period and in a manner to be prescribed by the said authority, of all time worked in virtue of this Article and of the reasons therefor.

1 前諸条により許容される時間限度は、次に関する例外的必要を充すためこれを超えることができる。尤も必要欠くべからざる労務の遂行に必要な限りとする。
 (a) 旅館と到着若しくは出発の停車場又は港との間における乗客及び荷物の旅館による運送
 (b) 葬儀屋による運送
2 権限ある機関は、前項の適用される条件を定めなければならない。

in English

Article 12

1. The limits of hours authorised by the preceding Articles may be exceeded, but only in so far as may be necessary for the performance of indispensable work, in order to meet exceptional requirements in respect of--

(a) the transport by hotels of passengers and their luggage between the hotel and the station or port of arrival or departure; and

(b) transport by funeral undertakings.

2. The competent authority shall determine the conditions subject to which the preceding paragraph applies.

1 権限ある機関は、前諸条により許容される時間限度を本条の規定に従い行われる超過時間だけ超えることを許可することができる。
2 権限ある機関は、次のことを規定する規則に従い超過時間を労働する許可を与えることができる。
 (a) 許可が与えられるべき手続
 (b) 最少限度の超過時間報酬率、尤もいかなる場合においても、通常率の一倍四分の一を下ってはならず、且つ、許可を与えられるべき最長時間は、いかなる場合にも次の時間を超えてはならない。
  (i) 一週労働時間が一週を超える期間に亘る平均として計算される場合においては一年に付七十五時間
  (ii) 一週労働時間限度が各週に適用すべき厳格な限度として適用される場合においては一年に付百時間
3 企業の自由に委される一年の超過時間に付所定超過時間数を設けることが望ましくない国においては、権限ある機関は、本項によるすべての労働時間が通常率の一倍四分の一を下らない率を以て報酬を支払われる条件の下に、前諸条により許容される時間限度を超えることを許可することができる。

in English

Article 13

1. The competent authority may permit the limits of hours authorised by the preceding Articles to be exceeded by the working of overtime in accordance with the provisions of this Article.

2. The competent authority may grant permission to work overtime in accordance with regulations prescribing--

(a) the procedure by which permission shall be granted;

(b) the minimum overtime rate of remuneration, which shall in no case be less than one and a quarter times the normal rate; and

(c) the maximum number of hours for which permission may be granted, which shall in no case exceed--

(i) seventy-five hours in any year in cases in which weekly hours of work are calculated as an average over a period exceeding a week; or

(ii) one hundred hours in any year in cases in which the weekly limit of hours of work is applied as a strict limit applicable to each week.

3. In any country in which it is not desired to place a fixed number of hours of overtime in the year at the disposal of undertakings, the competent authority may permit the limits of hours authorised by the preceding Articles to be exceeded, subject to the condition that all time worked in virtue of this paragraph shall be paid for at not less than one and a half times the normal rate.

1 いかなる操縦者も、五時間を超える継続的時間操縦をすることができない。
2 前項の適用上二つの時間は、権限ある機関により定められる時間により分離されるのでなければ、継続的時間とみなされるものとする。
3 権限ある機関は、時間表に定められる中断時間により、又は労務の中断的性質により充分な間隔が確保される操縦者を第一項の適用より免除することができる。

in English

Article 14

1. No driver may drive for any continuous period of more than five hours.

2. For the purpose of the preceding paragraph any two periods of time shall be deemed to be a continuous period unless separated by an interval of a duration to be prescribed by the competent authority.

3. The competent authority may exempt from the application of paragraph 1 drivers for whom adequate intervals are ensured by stops provided for in the timetable or by the intermittent nature of the work.

1 この条約が適用されるすべての者は、各二十四時間中に少くとも継続十二時間を包含する休息時間を与えられなければならない。
2 権限ある機関は、相当の時間の休憩を条件として、ある種の労務に付第一項により要求される休息時間を短縮することを許可することができる。
3 権限ある機関は、一週に亘って計算される平均休息時間が第一項により要求される最少限度を下らないことを条件として、一週における所定日数において休息時間を短縮することを許可することができる。

in English

Article 15

1. Every person to whom this Convention applies shall be granted in every period of twenty-four hours a period of rest comprising at least twelve consecutive hours.

2. The competent authority may permit the period of rest required by paragraph 1 to be reduced in the case of certain services subject to breaks of considerable duration.

3. The competent authority may permit the period of rest to be reduced on a prescribed number of days in the week, so however that the average rest calculated over the week is not less than the minimum required by paragraph 1.
1 この条約が適用されるすべての者は、少くとも継続三十時間を包含する休息時間(その中二十二時間を下らない時間は、同一暦日に来るものとする。)を各七日間において与えられなければならない。
2 権限ある機関は、第一項の要件を充たす休息時間数が各七日間における一の休息時間の代りに所定の最長限度を超えない数週中において与えられるべきことを許可することができる。かかる場合においては、右休息時間が配分されるべき数週中において与えらるべき休息時間の数は、少くとも週の数に等しかるべく、且つ、二つの休息時間の間隔は、十日を超えてはならない。

in English

Article 16

1. Every person to whom this Convention applies shall be granted in every period of seven days a period of rest comprising at least thirty consecutive hours of which not less than twenty-two fall within the same calendar day.

2. The competent authority may permit a number of periods of rest fulfilling the requirements of paragraph 1 to be granted in the course of a number of weeks not exceeding a prescribed maximum in lieu of one such period of rest in every period of seven days. In such case the number of periods of rest granted in the course of the number of weeks over which the said periods of rest are distributed shall be at least equal to the number of weeks and the time separating any two periods of rest shall not exceed ten days.


in English

Article 17

Decisions taken by the competent authority in pursuance of the provisions of this Convention enumerated below shall be taken after consultation with the employers' and workers' organisations concerned where such exist:

Article Article

2; 10;

3; 11, paragraph 3;

4 (a) and (b); 12, paragraph 2;

5, paragraph 2; 13;

6; 14, paragraphs 2 and 3;

7, paragraphs 2 and 3; 15, paragraphs 2 and 3;

8; 16, paragraph 2;

9; 18.

1 権限ある機関は、この条約の規定の有効な実施のため労働監督官、警察官、交通委員又はその他の適当な行政機関が車庫、置場及びその他の場所並びに道路において監督するの制度を維持しなければならない。
2 すべての使用者は、その使用する労働者の労働時間及び休息時間に付権限ある機関の承認する様式において帳簿を保存すべく、右帳簿は、権限ある機関の定める条件において監督機関の査閲に供しなければならない。 3 権限ある機関は、個人的管理手帳の基準様式及び右手帳がこの条約の適用をうける者に交付されるべき方法を定むべく、かかるすべての者は、労働時間中その手帳を所持し、且つ、その労働時間及び休息時間の詳細は、権限ある機関の定める方法において手帳にこれを記入しなければならない。

in English

Article 18

1. With a view to the effective enforcement of the provisions of this Convention, the competent authority shall maintain a system of supervision by labour inspectors, the police, traffic commissioners or other appropriate administrative authorities, both in garages, depots and other premises and on the roads.

2. Every employer shall keep a record in a form approved by the competent authority of the hours of work and rest periods of the persons employed by him, and such records shall be available for inspection by the supervisory authorities under conditions laid down by the competent authority.

3. The competent authority shall prescribe a standard form of individual control book and the manner in which the book shall be issued to every person to whom this Convention is applied, and every such person shall be in possession of his book during his hours of work, and particulars of his hours of work and rest periods shall be entered in the book in a manner prescribed by the competent authority.

1 この条約の規定の実施は、国の安全の要件に応ずるため必要の場合において、権限ある機関がこれを停止することができる。尤も右の停止が厳格に必要な期間のみとする。
2 国際労働事務局は、次に付直ちに通告されなければならない。
 (a) この条約の規定の実施の停止及び右の停止の理由
 (b) 右の停止が終了した日

in English

Article 19

1. The operation of the provisions of this Convention may be suspended by the competent authority, but only for the period during which such suspension is strictly indispensable, in case of necessity for meeting the requirements of national safety.

2. The International Labour Office shall be notified immediately of--

(a) any suspension of the operation of the provisions of this Convention, together with the reasons for such suspension; and

(b) the date from which such suspension has been terminated.

 (a) 第二条により執られる決定
 (b) 第三条により執られる決定及び権限ある機関が右決定の正当なことを確認する理由の説明書
 (c) 第五条第二項の規定の援用
 (d) 第六条の規定の援用
 (e) 第七条第二項又は第三項の規定の援用
 (f) 第八条に従い為される決定
 (g) 第十条及び第十三条の規定を援用した程度及びこれに基き設けられる規則

in English

Article 20

The annual reports upon the application of this Convention to be submitted by Members under article 22 of the Constitution of the International Labour Organisation shall include more particularly full information concerning--

(a) any decisions taken in virtue of Article 2;

(b) any decisions taken in virtue of Article 3, together with a statement of the grounds on which the competent authority is satisfied that such decisions are justified;

(c) any recourse to the provisions of Article 5, paragraph 2;

(d) any recourse to the provisions of Article 6;

(e) any recourse to the provisions of Article 7, paragraphs 2 or 3;

(f) any determinations made in pursuance of Article 8;

(g) the extent to which recourse has been made to the provisions of Articles 10 and 13 and any regulations made thereunder.


in English

Article 21

In accordance with article 19, paragraph 11 (Note: That provision reads as follows:

In no case shall any Member be asked or required, as a result of the adoption of any Recommendation or draft Convention by the Conference, to lessen the protection afforded by its existing legislation to the workers concerned.

As a result of the amendment of the Constitution in 1946, a corresponding provision is now contained in article 19, paragraph 8, thereof.), of the Constitution of the International Labour Organisation, nothing in this Convention shall affect any law, award, custom or agreement between employers and workers which ensures more favourable conditions to the workers than those provided for by the Convention.


in English

Article 22

The formal ratifications of this Convention shall be communicated to the Director-General of the International Labour Office for registration.

1 この条約は、国際労働事務局長にその批准を登録した国際労働機関の加盟国のみを拘束する。
2 この条約は、事務局長が加盟国中の二国の批准を登録した日の十二箇月後に効力を生ずる。
3 爾後この条約は、他の何れの加盟国に付ても、その批准を登録した日の十二箇月後に効力を生ずる。

in English

Article 23

1. This Convention shall be binding only upon those Members of the International Labour Organisation whose ratifications have been registered with the Director-General.

2. It shall come into force twelve months after the date on which the ratifications of two Members have been registered with the Director-General.

3. Thereafter, this Convention shall come into force for any Member twelve months after the date on which its ratifications has been registered.

1 この条約を批准した加盟国は、この条約の最初の効力発生の日より十年の期間満了後において、国際労働事務局長宛登録のためにする通告によりこれを廃棄することができる。右の廃棄は、該事務局に登録があった日の後一年間はその効力を生じない。
2 この条約を批准した加盟国であって前項に掲げる十年の期間満了後一年以内に本条に定める廃棄の権利を行使しないものは、更に十年間拘束を受くべく、又爾後各十年の期間満了毎に本条に定める条件により、この条約を廃棄することができる。

in English

Article 24

1. A Member which has ratified this Convention may denounce it after the expiration of ten years from the date on which the Convention first comes into force, by an Act communicated to the Director-General of the International Labour Office for registration. Such denunciation should not take effect until one year after the date on which it is registered.

2. Each Member which has ratified this Convention and which does not, within the year following the expiration of the period of ten years mentioned in the preceding paragraph, exercise the right of denunciation provided for in this Article, will be bound for another period of ten years and, thereafter, may denounce this Convention at the expiration of each period of ten years under the terms provided for in this Article.

1 国際労働事務局長は、国際労働機関の加盟国により事務局長に通告されたすべての批准及び廃棄の登録を国際労働機関のすべての加盟国に通告しなければならない。
2 事務局長は、これに通告された第二回目の批准の登録を国際労働機関の加盟国に通告するときに、この条約が効力を発生する日について国際労働機関の加盟国の注意を喚起しなければならない。

in English

Article 25

1. The Director-General of the International Labour Office shall notify all Members of the International Labour Organisation of the registration of all ratifications and denunciations communicated to him by the Members of the Organisation.

2. When notifying the Members of the Organisation of the registration of the second ratification communicated to him, the Director-General shall draw the attention of the Members of the Organisation to the date upon which the Convention will come into force.


in English

Article 26

At the expiration of each period of ten years after the coming into force of this Convention, the Governing Body of the International Labour Office shall present to the General Conference a report on the working of this Convention and shall examine the desirability of placing on the agenda of the Conference the question of its revision in whole or in part.

1 総会がこの条約の全部又は一部を改正する新条約を採択する場合には、新条約が別段の定をしない限り、
 (a) 一加盟国による新改正条約の批准は、新改正条約が効力を発生したとき、前記第二十四条の規定に拘わらず、当然にこの条約の即時の廃棄を生ぜしめる。
 (b) 新改正条約の効力発生の日より、この条約は、加盟国により批准され得ないようになる。
2 この条約は、これを批准したるも改正条約を批准しない加盟国に対しては、いかなる場合においても、その現在の形式及び内容において引き続いて効力を有する。

in English

Article 27

1. Should the Conference adopt a new Convention revising this Convention in whole or in part, then, unless the new Convention otherwise provides:

a) the ratification by a Member of the new revising Convention shall ipso jure involve the immediate denunciation of this Convention, notwithstanding the provisions of Article 24 above, if and when the new revising Convention shall have come into force;

b) as from the date when the new revising Convention comes into force this Convention shall cease to be open to ratification by the Members.

2. This Convention shall in any case remain in force in its actual form and content for those Members which have ratified it but have not ratified the revising Convention.


in English

Article 28

The English and French texts of this Convention shall both be authentic.
