日本語訳:船内労働時間及び定員に関する条約(第五十七号)〔未批准仮訳(『ILO条約・勧告集 第7版』労働省編、労務行政研究所、2000年)〕

C57 Hours of Work and Manning (Sea) Convention, 1936
Convention concerning Hours of Work on Board Ship and Manning
(Note: This Convention has not yet come into force. It was revised in 1946 by Convention No. 76, in 1949 by Convention No. 93 and in 1958 by Convention No. 109.)
Session of the Conference:21
Date of adoption:24:10:1936


in English

The General Conference of the International Labour Organisation,

Having been convened at Geneva by the Governing Body of the International Labour Office, and having met in its Twenty-first Session on 6 October 1936, and

Having decided upon the adoption of certain proposals with regard to the regulation of hours of work on board ship, and manning in conjunction with hours of work on board ship, which is the first item on the agenda of the Session, and

Having determined that these proposals shall take the form of an international Convention,

adopts the twenty-fourth day of October of the year one thousand nine hundred and thirty-six, the following Convention, which may be cited as the Hours of Work and Manning (Sea) Convention, 1936:

第一編 適用範囲及び定義
in English

Part I. Scope and Definitions

1 本条約は、公有たると私有たるとを問はず、機械推進に依る一切の海洋航行船舶にして左の条件を具備するものに之を適用す。
 (a) 本条約の実施せらるる地域に於て登録せられたること。
 (b) 商業の目的を以て貨物又は旅客の運送に使用せらるること。
 (c) 国際航海に従事すること。国際航海とは、一国の港より該国外の港に至る航海を謂ひ、一切の植民地、海外領土、保護領又は宗主権若は委任統治の下に在る地域は、別国と看倣さるべきものとす。
2 本条約は、左の船舶に之を適用せず。
 (a) 補助機関付帆船
 (b) 漁撈、捕鯨若は類似の目的又は之と直接関係ある作業に従事する船舶
3 締盟国は、其の領域に於て登録せられたる船舶が其の発航する国より隣接国に属する附近の港にして左記に該当する地理的限界の内に在るものを超えざる航行に専ら従事する間は、之を本条約の適用より除外することを得。
 (a) 国内の法令又は規則に依り明示せられたるものなること。
 (b) 本条約の一切の規定の適用に関し一律のものなること。
 (c) 当該締盟国に依り其の批准の登録に際し右批准に附加せらるる宣言を以て通告せられたるものなること。及び
 (d) 他の関係締盟国と協議の上定められたるものなること。

in English

Article 1

1. This Convention applies to every sea-going mechanically propelled vessel, whether publicly or privately owned, which--

(a) is registered in a territory for which the Convention is in force;

(b) is employed in the transport of cargo or passengers for the purpose of trade; and

(c) is engaged on an international voyage, by which is meant any voyage from a port of one country to a port outside such country, every colony, overseas territory, protectorate or territory under suzerainty or mandate being regarded as a separate country.

2. This Convention does not apply to--

(a) sailing vessels with auxiliary engines; or

(b) vessels engaged in fishing, whaling or similar pursuits, or in operations directly connected therewith.

3. Any Member may exempt vessels registered in its territory from the application of this Convention while such vessels are exclusively engaged in voyages upon which they do not proceed further from the country from which they trade than the nearby ports of neighbouring countries within geographical limits which--

(a) are clearly specified by national laws or regulations;

(b) are uniform in respect of the application of all the provisions of this Convention;

(c) have been notified by the Member when registering its ratification by a declaration annexed thereto; and

(d) have been fixed after consultation with the other Members concerned.

(a) 「噸数」とは、総噸数を謂ふ。
(b) 「職員」とは、船長以外の者にして国内の法令若は規則、団体協約又は慣習に依り職員としての地位に在るものを謂ふ。
(c) 「属員」とは、職員以外の海員を謂ふ。
(d) 「労働時間」とは、船員が上長の命令に依り船舶若は船舶所有者の為に作業を為すこと、又は船員室外に於て上長の指揮に服することを要求せらるる時間を謂ふ。

in English

Article 2

For the purpose of this Convention the following expressions have the meanings hereby assigned to them:

(a) tons means gross registered tons;

(b) officer means a person other than a master ranked as an officer by national laws or regulations, collective agreement or custom;

(c) rating means a member of the crew other than an officer;

(d) hours of work means time during which a member of the crew is required by the orders of a superior to do any work on account of the vessel or the owner, or to be at the disposal of a superior outside the crew's quarters.

第二編 労働時間

in English

Part II. Hours of Work

(a) 部の長たる職員にして当直を為さざるもの
(b) 無線電信通信士及び無線電話通信士
(c) 水先人
(d) 医師
(e) 専ら看護の任務に従事する看護員又は病室勤務員
(f) 専ら自己の計算に於て労働する者
(g) 専ら利益分配に依り報酬を受くる者
(h) 職務が専ら搭載貨物に関係し且事実上船舶所有者又は船長と雇用関係なき者
(i) 移動荷役人夫
(j) 国内法令又は規則の定むる船舶所有者の家に属する者のみにより成る乗組員

in English

Article 3

This part of this Convention does not apply to--

(a) officers in charge of departments who do not keep watch;

(b) wireless operators and telephonists;

(c) pilots;

(d) doctors;

(e) nursing staff exclusively engaged on nursing duties or hospital staff;

(f) persons working exclusively on their own account;

(g) persons remunerated exclusively by a share of profits;

(h) persons whose duties are connected solely with the cargo carried on board and who are not in fact in the employment either of the owner or of the master;

(i) travelling dockers;

(j) crews consisting entirely of members of the family, as defined by national laws or regulations, of the owner of the vessel.

1 二千噸を超ゆる船舶に在りては、当直制に依り作業を為す甲板部属員の航行中及び入出港日に於ける労働時間は、一日に付八時間且一週に付五十六時間を超えざるべきものとす。
2 七百噸を超ゆる船舶に在りては、昼勤労働者として使用せらるる甲板部属員の航行中及び入出港日に於ける労働時間は、一日に付八時間且一週に付四十八時間を超えざるべきものとす。
3 入出港日に於ては、労働時間は、1及び2に規定せらるる制限を超えて之を延長することを得。右延長を許容すべきや否や及び右延長許容の為の条件は、国内の法令若は規則又は団体協約に依り定めらるべきものとす。

in English

Article 4

1. In vessels of over 2,000 tons the hours of work at sea and on arrival and sailing days of deck ratings whose time is divided into watches shall not exceed eight in the day nor shall they exceed fifty-six in the week.

2. In vessels of over 700 tons the hours of work at sea and on arrival and sailing days of deck ratings employed as day workers shall not exceed eight in the day nor shall they exceed forty-eight in the week.

3. Hours in excess of the limits prescribed in paragraphs 1 and 2 may be worked on arrival and sailing days. Whether or not such hours are to be worked and where such hours are allowed the conditions under which they may be worked shall be determined by national laws or regulations or collective agreements.

1 七百噸を超ゆる船舶に在りては、当直制に依り作業を為す機関部及び汽缶部の属員の航行中及び入出港日に於ける労働時間は、一日に付八時間且一週に付五十六時間を超えざるべきものとす。但し、当直の通常の交代及び灰津の投棄の為増加時間労働せらるることを得。
2 七百噸を超ゆる船舶に在りては、昼勤労働者として使用せらるる機関部及び汽缶部の属員の航行中及び入出港日に於ける労働時間は、一日に付八時間且一週に付四十八時間を超えざるべきものとす。
3 入出港日に於ては、労働時間は、1及び2に規定せらるる制限を超えて之を延長することを得。右延長を許容すべきや否や及び右延長許容の為の条件は、国内の法令若は規則又は団体協約に依り定めらるべきものとす。

in English

Article 5

1. In vessels of over 700 tons the hours of work at sea and on arrival and sailing days of engine-room and stokehold ratings whose time is divided into watches shall not exceed eight in the day nor shall they exceed fifty-six in the week. Provided that extra time may be worked for the normal relieving of watches and the hoisting and dumping of ashes.

2. In vessels of over 700 tons the hours of work at sea and on arrival and sailing days of engine-room and stokehold ratings employed as day workers shall not exceed eight in the day nor shall they exceed forty-eight in the week.

3. Hours in excess of the limits prescribed in paragraphs 1 and 2 may be worked on arrival and sailing days. Whether or not such hours are to be worked and where such hours are allowed the conditions under which they may be worked shall be determined by national laws or regulations or collective agreements.

1 二千噸を超ゆる船舶に在りては、甲板部職員の航行中及び入出港日に於ける労働時間は、一日に付八時間且一週に付五十六時間を超えざるべきものとす。
2 尤も航海上又は事務上の目的の為航行中及び入出港日に於て、一日に付一時間の増加時間労働せらるることを得。
3 尚船長が二人の職員に対し同時に当直を為すことを命ずることを必要と認むるときは、随時増加時間労働せらるることを得。但し如何なる場合に於ても、職員は、一日に付十二時間を超えて労働することを本項に依り要求せられざるものとす。
4 七百噸を超ゆる船舶に在りては、昼勤労働者として使用せらるる甲板部職員の航行中及び入出港日に於ける労働時間は、一日に付八時間且一週に付四十八時間を超えざるべきものとす。
5 入出港日に於ては、労働時間は、1及び4に規定せらるる制限を超えて之を延長することを得。右延長を許容すべきや否や及び右延長許容の為の条件は、国内の法令若は規則又は団体協約に依り定めらるべきものとす。
6 本条の規定は、甲板部の修業生及び練習生に之を適用す。

in English

Article 6

1. In vessels of over 2,000 tons the hours of work at sea and on arrival and sailing days of deck officers shall not exceed eight in the day nor shall they exceed fifty-six in the week.

2. Provided that one additional hour per day may be worked at sea and on arrival and sailing days for navigational or clerical purposes.

3. Provided also that additional hours may be worked occasionally when the master deems it necessary to order two officers to keep watch simultaneously, so however that in no case shall any officer be required in virtue of this paragraph to work more than twelve hours in any day.

4. In vessels of over 700 tons the hours of work at sea and on arrival and sailing days of deck officers employed as day workers shall not exceed eight in the day nor shall they exceed forty-eight in the week.

5. Hours in excess of the limits prescribed in paragraphs 1 and 4 may be worked on arrival and sailing days. Whether or not such hours are to be worked and where such hours are allowed the conditions under which they may be worked shall be determined by national laws or regulations or collective agreements.

6. The provisions of this Article apply to apprentices and cadets in the deck department.

1 第十六条に依り三人又は四人以上の機関部職員を乗組ましむることを要求せらるる船舶に在りては、航行中及び入出港日に於ける右職員の労働時間は、一日に付八時間且一週に付五十六時間を超えざるべきものとす。
2 七百噸を超ゆる船舶に在りては、昼勤労働者として使用せらるる機関部職員の航行中に於ける労働時間は、一日に付八時間且一週に付四十八時間を超えざるべきものとす。
3 本条の規定は、機関部の修業生及び練習生に之を適用す。

in English

Article 7

1. In vessels required under Article 16 to carry three or more engineer officers the hours of work of such officers at sea and on arrival and sailing days shall not exceed eight in the day nor shall they exceed fifty-six in the week.

2. In vessels of over 700 tons the hours of work at sea of engineer officers employed as day workers shall not exceed eight in the day nor shall they exceed forty-eight in the week.

3. The provisions of this Article apply to apprentices and cadets in the engine-room department.

1 本条約の適用せらるる船舶に在りては、海上当直が港に於て停止せらるる場合に於ては、左の規定は、甲板部、機関部及び汽缶部の属員並に甲板部及び機関部の職員(甲板部及び機関部の修業生及び練習生を含む。)に之を適用すべきものとす。
 (a) 労働時間は、一日に付八時間且一週に付四十八時間を超えざるべきものとす。
 (b) 週休日は、遵守せらるべく、且其の日には超過時間としての場合又は平常の職務及び衛生の職務の為の場合を除くの外、如何なる労働も要求せられざるべきものとし、右職務の為に要求せられたる労働は、一週四十八時間の制限内に包含せらるべきものとす。
 (c) (a)及び(b)に対する例外は、船舶の若は船内に在る者の安全の為に必要なる属員に付、国内の法令若は規則又は団体協約に従ひ、設けらるることを得。
2 船舶が入港後二十四時間を超えて碇泊することの予想せらるる場合には、海上当直は、通常停止せらるべきものとす。但し、船長に於て船舶の安全が之に依り害せらるべしと認むる場合に於ては此の限に在らず。
3 海上当直が港内に於て続行せらるる場合には、本条1に依り規定せられ又は許容せらるる制限を超えて労働せらるる一切の時間は、左記に付ての外超過時間と看倣され、之に対し属員又は職員は、補償を受くる権利を有すべし。
 (a) 船舶の安全の為続行せらるる当直
 (b) 入港後十二時間以内又は出港前十二時間以内に行はるる当直

in English

Article 8

1. In vessels to which this Convention applies the following provisions shall apply to deck, engine-room and stokehold ratings and to deck and engineer officers, including apprentices and cadets in the deck and engine-room departments, whenever sea watches are suspended in any port:

(a) hours of work shall not exceed eight in the day nor shall they exceed forty-eight in the week;

(b) the weekly rest day shall be observed and on that day no work shall be required except as overtime or for the purpose of ordinary routine and sanitary duties, any work required for the purpose of such duties to be included in the weekly limit of forty-eight hours;

(c) exceptions to these provisions may be made in accordance with national laws or regulations or collective agreement in the case of ratings required for the safety of the vessel or persons on board or for the preservation of the cargo.

2. Sea watches shall normally be suspended if the vessel is expected to stay in the port for more than twenty-four hours following its arrival, unless in the judgment of the master the safety of the vessel would be prejudiced thereby.

3. If sea watches are maintained in port, all time worked in excess of the limits of hours prescribed by or permitted under paragraph 1 of this Article shall, except in the case of--

(a) watches maintained for the safety of the vessel; and

(b) watches worked within twelve hours after arrival or within twelve hours before sailing, be regarded as overtime for which the rating or officer shall be entitled to be compensated.

1 本条約の適用せらるる一切の船舶にして之に付、
 (a) 現に実施中なる海上に於ける人命の安全の為の国際条約の規定に従ひ発給せらるる安全証書、又は
 (b) 旅客船証書の実施せらるるものに在りては、司厨部及び事務部の雇員の航行中に於ける労働時間は、二十四時間中に少くとも継続八時間の休憩時間を含む十二時間を下らざる休憩を各部員に確保する様按配せらるべきものとす。
2 前項に掲げらるる証書の一の実施せらるる船舶を除くの外、本条約の適用せらるる一切の船舶に在りては、司厨部及び事務部の属員の航行中及び入出港日に於ける労働時間は、一日に付十時間を超えざるべきものとす。
3 本条約の適用せらるる一切の船舶に在りては、司厨部及び事務部の属員の港内に於ける労働時間は、国内の法令又は規則に依り許容せらるる例外の留保の下に、一日に付八時間を超えざるべきものとす。

in English

Article 9

1. In all vessels to which this Convention applies in respect of which there is in force--

(a) a safety certificate issued in accordance with the provisions of the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea for the time being in force; or

(b) a passenger certificate, the hours of work at sea of ratings in the catering and clerical departments shall be so arranged as to ensure to each such rating not less than twelve hours' rest during any period of twenty-four hours, including a rest period of at least eight consecutive hours.

2. In all vessels to which this Convention applies, other than vessels in respect of which there is in force one of the certificates referred to in the preceding paragraph, the hours of work at sea and on arrival and sailing days of ratings in the catering and clerical departments shall not exceed ten in the day.

3. In all vessels to which this Convention applies the hours of work in port of ratings in the catering and clerical departments shall not exceed eight in the day, subject to such exceptions as may be permitted by national laws or regulations.

1 属員並に甲板部及び機関部の職員(修業生及び練習生を含む。)は、左の条件の留保の下に、本条約本篇の前諸条に依り規定せられ又は許容せらるる時間制限を超えて労働することを要求せらるることを得。
 (a) 右の労働せられたる一切の時間は、超過時間と看倣され、之に対し、右の者は、補償を受くる権利を有すべし。
 (b) 常時的なる超過時間は、存置せられざるものとす。
2 右補償の方法又は率は、国内の法令若は規則又は団体協約に依り定めらるべきものとす。

in English

Article 10

1. Ratings and deck and engineer officers including apprentices and cadets may be required to work in excess of the limits of hours prescribed by or permitted under the preceding Articles of this Part of this Convention, subject to the conditions that--

(a) all such time worked shall be regarded as overtime for which they shall be entitled to be compensated; and

(b) there shall be no consistent working of overtime.

2. The manner or rate or rates of such compensation shall be prescribed by national laws or regulations or be fixed by collective agreement.

1 十六歳未満の属員は、夜間労働することを得ず。
2 本条に於て「夜間」と称するのは、国内の法令又は規則に依り規定せらるべき午後十二時前後に亘る少くとも九時間の継続時間を謂ふ。

in English

Article 11

1. No rating under the age of sixteen years shall work at night.

2. For the purpose of this Article the expression night means a period of at least nine consecutive hours between times before and after midnight to be prescribed by national laws or regulations.

(a) 船長が船舶、積荷又は船内に在る者の安全の為必要且緊急なりと認むる作業
(b) 他の船舶又は人を救助する為船長に依り要求せらるる作業
(c) 現に実施中なる海上に於ける人命の安全の為の国際条約に依り規定せらるる招集、火災操練、救命艇操練及び類似の操練
(d) 職員若は属員の疾病若は傷疾に基き又は航海中職員若は属員の数の予見し得られざる減少に基く増加作業
(e) 税関手続、検疫又は他の衛生手続の為の増加作業
(f) 正午に於ける船舶の位置の測定の為の職員に依る作業

in English

Article 12

The provisions of this Part of this Convention do not apply to--

(a) work which the master deems to be necessary and urgent for the safety of the vessel, cargo, or persons on board;

(b) work required by the master for the purpose of giving assistance to other vessels or persons;

(c) musters, fire, lifeboat and similar drills of the kind prescribed by the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea for the time being in force;

(d) extra work resulting from the sickness of or from injury to any officer or rating or from any unforeseeable reduction in the number of officers or ratings in the course of the voyage;

(e) extra work for the purpose of customs, quarantine or other health formalities;

(f) work by officers for the determination of the position of the vessel at noon.

第三編 定員

in English

Part III. Manning

(a) 海上に於ける人命の安全
(b) 本条約第二編に掲げらるる労働時間に関する規定の適用を可能ならしむること。

in English

Article 13

Every vessel of over 700 tons shall be sufficiently and efficiently manned for the purposes of--

(a) safety of life at sea; and

(b) making possible the application of the rules relating to hours set forth in Part II of this Convention, and more particularly every such vessel shall comply with the minimum requirements as to manning set forth in this Part of this Convention.

1 七百噸を超え二千噸を超えざる船舶に在りては、船長の外、少くとも二人の海技免状を有する甲板部職員を乗組ましむべし。
2 二千噸を超ゆる船舶に在りては、船長の外、少くとも三人の海技免状を有する甲板部職員を乗組ましむべし。

in English

Article 14

1. In vessels of over 700 but not exceeding 2,000 tons there shall be carried at least two certificated deck officers in addition to the master.

2. In vessels of over 2,000 tons there shall be carried at least three certificated deck officers in addition to the master.

1 七百噸を超ゆる船舶に在りては、乗組の甲板部属員の数は、各航海当直に付三人の属員を充当し得るに充分のものたるべきものとす。
2 特に左の最小限度数の属員を乗組ましむべきものとす。
 (a) 七百噸を超え二千噸を超えざる船舶に在りては六人
 (b) 二千噸を超ゆる船舶に在りては九人、或は国内の法令若は規則に依り規定せられ又は団体協約に依り定めらるることあるべき一層大なる員数
3 2に依り乗組ましむることを要求せらるる属員中の最小限度数の者は、4に明示せらるる身体的資格及び能率に関する条件に適合すべきものとす。
 (a) 七百噸を超え二千噸を超えざる船舶に在りては四人
 (b) 二千噸を超ゆる船舶に在りては五人、或は国内の法令若は規則に依り規定せられ又は団体協約に依り定めらるることあるべき一層大なる員数
4 3に従ひ或属員に依り満さるべき身体的資格及び能率に関する条件は、各属員に付左の如し。
 (a) 十八歳に達したること。
 (b) 甲板部に於て少くとも三年間の海上勤務を為したるか又は其の能率の標準が甲板部に於て三年間の海上勤務を為したる普通の属員の標準と同等なることの証明書にして権限ある権力に依り発給せられたるものを所持するものなること。
5 国内の法令若は規則又は団体協約は、甲板部に於て一年未満の海上勤務を為したる属員にして本条の要件を満すに付甲板部属員として算入せられ得るものの数を限定すべし。
6 二重の資格に於て雇入れられたる属員にして其の勤務が甲板部以外の部に於て要求せられ得るものは、本条の要件を満すに付甲板部属員として算入せられざるべきものとす。
7 無線電信通信士又は無線電話通信士が前項の適用上甲板部に属すと認めらるべきや否やは、国内の法令若は規則又は団体協約に依り決定せらるべきものとす。

in English

Article 15

1. In vessels of over 700 tons the number of deck ratings carried shall be sufficient to allow of three ratings being available for each navigational watch.

2. In particular, the following minimum numbers of ratings shall be carried:

(a) in vessels of over 700 but not exceeding 2,000 tons: six;

(b) in vessels of over 2,000 tons: nine or such larger number as may be prescribed by national laws or regulations or fixed by collective agreement.

3. The following minimum numbers of the ratings required to be carried by paragraph 2 shall comply with the conditions as to physical capacity and efficiency stated in paragraph 4:

(a) in vessels of over 700 but not exceeding 2,000 tons: four;

(b) in vessels of over 2,000 tons: five or such larger number as may be prescribed by national laws or regulations or fixed by collective agreement.

4. The conditions as to physical capacity and efficiency to be fulfilled by certain ratings in accordance with paragraph 3 are that each such rating--

(a) is eighteen years of age; and

(b) either has had at least three years' sea service on deck or holds a certificate, issued by the competent authority, that his standard of efficiency is equal to that of the average rating who has had three years' sea service on deck.

5. National laws or regulations or collective agreement shall limit the number of ratings with less than one year's sea service on deck who may be counted as deck ratings for the purpose of satisfying the requirements of this Article.

6. No rating signed on in a dual capacity whose services may be required in any department other than the deck department shall be counted as a deck rating for the purpose of satisfying the requirements of this Article.

7. Whether or not a wireless operator or telephonist is to be considered as belonging to the deck department for the purpose of the preceding paragraph shall be determined by national laws or regulations or collective agreement.

1 本条の適用せらるる船舶に在りては、少くとも三人の海技免状を有する機関部職員を乗組ましむべし。
2 本条は、国内の法令又は規則が噸数の標準に依ることを定むるか又は馬力の標準に依ることを定むるかに従ひ、左の船舶の何れかに之を適用す。
 (a) 七百噸を超ゆる船舶
 (b) 実馬力八百馬力を超ゆる機関を具ふる船舶
3 尤も締盟国は、噸数の標準を適用するか又は馬力の標準を適用するかに従ひ、千五百噸を超えざるか又は実馬力千馬力を超えざる機関を具ふる現存船舶に付、本条約の効力発生より五年を超えざる期間、本条の適用を延期することを得。

in English

Article 16

1. In vessels to which this Article applies at least three certificated engineer officers shall be carried.

2. This Article applies either--

(a) to vessels of over 700 tons; or

(b) to vessels with engines exceeding 800 indicated horse-power, according as a tonnage or horse-power criterion is prescribed by national laws or regulations.

3. Provided that any Member may postpone the application of this Article for a period not exceeding five years from the coming into force of this Convention in the case of existing vessels not exceeding 1,500 tons or with engines not exceeding 1,000 indicated horse-power according as the Member applies the tonnage or horse-power criterion.


in English

Article 17

If in the course of a voyage as a result of death, accident or any other cause a vessel ceases to have available the number of officers or ratings required by the preceding Articles the master shall make up the deficiency at the first reasonable opportunity.

第四編 一般規定

in English

Part IV. General Provisions


in English

Article 18

The shipowners', officers' and seamen's organisations concerned shall, so far as is reasonable and practicable, be taken into consultation in the framing of all laws or regulations for giving effect to the provisions of this Convention.

1 本条約を批准する各締盟国は、其の領域に於て登録せられたる船舶に本条約の規定を適用し、且左記目的を有する国内の法令又は規則を実施するの責任を有すべきものとす。
 (a) 本条約の遵守の確保に付ての船舶所有者及び船長の夫々の責任を定むること。
 (b) 本条約の違反に対し適当なる刑罰を規定すること。
 (c) 船舶が国際航海の為本国港を発航するに先ち第三編を遵守することに付ての充分なる公の監督を定むること。
 (d) 第十条に依り労働せらるる一切の超過時間及び之に対し支給せらるる補償の記録を為すことを要求すること。及び
 (e) 超過時間に関する特別給与を取立つる為、他の未払給料を取立つる為に有すると同一の救済方法を船員に確保すること。
2 港の権限ある権力は、他の締盟国の批准に依り本条約が実施せらるる地域に於て登録せられたる船舶が本条約第三編の要求する員数の職員及び属員を乗組ませ居らざることを知りたる場合に於ては、此の旨を締盟国の領事に通告すべし。

in English

Article 19

1. Each Member which ratifies this Convention shall be responsible for the application of its provisions to vessels registered in its territory and shall maintain in force national laws or regulations which--

(a) determine the respective responsibilities of the shipowner and the master for ensuring compliance therewith;

(b) prescribe adequate penalties for any violation thereof;

(c) provide for adequate public supervision of compliance with Part III before a vessel leaves a home port on an international voyage;

(d) require the keeping of records of all overtime worked in pursuance of Article 10 and of the compensation granted in respect thereof; and

(e) ensure to seamen the same remedies for recovering extra payments in respect of overtime as they have for recovering other arrears of wages.

2. In any case in which it comes to the knowledge of the competent authority of a port that a vessel registered in a territory for which this Convention is in force in virtue of ratification by another Member is not carrying the number of officers and ratings required by Part III of this Convention the said authority shall so notify the consul of the said Member.


in English

Article 20

Nothing in this Convention shall affect any law, award, custom or agreement between shipowners and seamen which ensures more favourable conditions than those provided by this Convention.

1 本条約の効力発生の日に於て現存する船舶にして之に関し登録地域の権限ある権力に於て船員の増加の為必要なる新居室設備又は他の永久的設備の設置が合理的には可能ならざるの事情に在ることを関係団体に諮問の後に認めたるものは、本条約の適用を免除せらるることを得。
2 右の免除は、免除証書の発給に依り与へらるべく、右免除証書に依り、船舶は、本条約の要件中該免除証書に明示せらるるものの適用を免除せらるべきものとす。右免除証書は、之を船内に備置くべし。
3 免除証書は、一時に四年を超ゆる期間に付発給せられざるものとす。
4 本条の規定を援用せんとする一切の締盟国は、本条約の適用に関する自国の年次報告に於て、左記を国際労働事務局に通告すべし。
 (a) 本条に依る免除の許与に関する一切の法令及び規則の本文
 (b) 船舶にして之に付ての免除証書が現に有効なるものの隻数及び総噸数に関する細目
 (c) 関係ある船舶所有者、職員及び海員の団体の表明したる免除許与に関する意見

in English

Article 21

1. Vessels existing at the date of the coming into force of this Convention in respect of which the competent authority of the territory of registration is satisfied, after consulting the organisations interested, that the circumstances are such that the provision of fresh accommodation or other permanent equipment necessary for an increased crew is not reasonably possible may be exempted from the application of the Convention.

2. Such exemption shall be granted by the issue of an exemption certificate, which shall be carried on the vessel, exempting the said vessel from such of the requirements of this Convention as are specified in the said certificate.

3. Exemption certificates shall not be issued for a period exceeding four years at a time.

4. Every Member taking advantage of the provisions of this Article shall communicate to the International Labour Office in its annual report upon the application of this Convention--

(a) the texts of all laws and regulations relating to the grant of exemption under this Article;

(b) particulars as to the number of vessels and total tonnage in respect of which exemption certificates are for the time being in force; and

(c) any observations as to the grant of exemption made by the shipowners', officers' and seamen's organisations concerned.

第五編 最終規定

in English

Part V. Final Provisions

1 国際労働機関憲章第三十五条に掲げらるる地域に関しては、本条約を批准する右機関の各締盟国は、左記を示す宣言を該国の批准に附加すべきものとす。
 (a) 右締盟国が変更を加へずして本条約の規定を適用することを約する地域
 (b) 右締盟国が変更を加へて本条約の規定を適用することを約する地域及び変更の細目
 (c) 本条約を適用し得ざる地域及び其の場合に於ては之を適用し得ざる理由
 (d) 右締盟国が其の決定を留保する地域
2 本条1(a)及び(b)に掲げらるる約束は、批准の一部と看倣さるべく、且批准の効力を有すべし。
3 何れの締盟国も、本条1(b)、(c)又は(d)に依り其の原宣言に於て為されたる留保の全部又は一部を爾後の宣言に依り取消すことを得。

in English

Article 22

1. In respect of the territories referred to in article 35 of the Constitution of the International Labour Organisation, each Member of the Organisation which ratifies this Convention shall append to its ratification a declaration stating--

(a) the territories in respect of which it undertakes to apply the provisions of the Convention without modification;

(b) the territories in respect of which it undertakes to apply the provisions of the Convention subject to modifications, together with details of the said modifications;

(c) the territories in respect of which the Convention is inapplicable and in such cases the grounds on which it is inapplicable;

(d) the territories in respect of which it reserves its decision.

2. The undertakings referred to in subparagraphs (a) and (b) of paragraph 1 of this Article shall be deemed to be an integral part of the ratification and shall have the force of ratification.

3. Any Member may by a subsequent declaration cancel in whole or in part any reservations made in its original declaration in virtue of subparagraphs (b), (c) or (d) of paragraph 1 of this Article.


in English

Article 23

The formal ratifications of this Convention shall be communicated to the Director-General of the International Labour Office for registration.

1 本条約は、国際労働事務局長に其の批准を登録したる国際労働機関の締盟国のみを拘束すべし。
2 本条約は、国際労働事務局長が国際労働機関の締盟国にして総噸数百万噸を下らざる商船を有するもの五国の批准を登録したる日の後六月にして効力を発生すべし。
3 爾後本条約は、他の何れの締盟国に付ても、其の批准を登録したる日の後六月にして効力を発生すべし。

in English

Article 24

1. This Convention shall be binding only upon those Members of the International Labour Organisation whose ratifications have been registered with the Director-General.

2. It shall come into force six months after the date on which there have been registered by the Director-General of the International Labour Office the ratifications of five Members of the Organisation each of which has a mercantile marine tonnage of not less than one million tons.

3. Thereafter, this Convention shall come into force for any Member six months after the date on which its ratification has been registered.


in English

Article 25

As soon as the ratifications of five of the Members mentioned in the second paragraph of Article 24 have been registered, the Director-General of the International Labour Office shall so notify all the Members of the International Labour Organisation. He shall likewise notify them of the registration of ratifications which may be communicated subsequently by other Members of the Organisation.

1 本条約を批准したる締盟国は、本条約の最初の効力発生の日より五年の期間満了後に於て、国際労働事務局長宛登録の為にする通告に依り之を廃棄することを得。右の廃棄は、登録ありたる日の後一年間は其の効力を生ぜず。
2 本条約を批准したる各締盟国にして前項に掲ぐる五年の期間満了後一年以内に本条に定むる廃棄の権利を行使せざるものは、更に五年間拘束を受くべく、又爾後各五年の期間満了毎に、本条に定むる条件に依り、本条約を廃棄することを得。

in English

Article 26

1. A Member which has ratified this Convention may denounce it after the expiration of five years from the date on which the Convention first comes into force, by an act communicated to the Director-General of the International Labour Office for registration. Such denunciation shall not take effect until one year after the date on which it is registered.

2. Each Member which has ratified this Convention and which does not, within the year following the expiration of the period of five years mentioned in the preceding paragraph, exercise the right of denunciation provided for in this Article, will be bound for another period of five years and, thereafter, may denounce this Convention at the expiration of each period of five years under the terms provided for in this Article.


in English

Article 27

At such times as it may consider necessary the Governing Body of the International Labour Office shall present to the General Conference a report on the working of this Convention and shall examine the desirability of placing on the agenda of the Conference the question of its revision in whole or in part.

1 総会が本条約の全部又は一部を改正する新条約を採択する場合には、新条約が別段の定を為さざる限り、
 (a) 締盟国に依る改正新条約の批准は、改正新条約が効力を発生したるとき、前記第二十六条の規定に拘らず、当然に本条約の即時の廃棄を生ぜしむべし。
 (b) 改正新条約の効力発生の日より、本条約は、締盟国に依り批准せられ得ざるに至るべし。
2 本条約は、之を批准したるも改正条約を批准せざる締盟国に対しては、如何なる場合に於ても、其の現在の形式及び内容に於て引続き効力を有すべし。

in English

Article 28

1. Should the Conference adopt a new Convention revising this Convention in whole or in part, then, unless the new Convention otherwise provides,

(a) the ratification by a Member of the new revising Convention shall ipso jure involve the immediate denunciation of this Convention, notwithstanding the provisions of Article 26 above, if and when the new revising Convention shall have come into force;

(b) as from the date when the new revising Convention comes into force, this Convention shall cease to be open to ratification by the Members.

2. This Convention shall in any case remain in force in its actual form and content for those Members which have ratified it but have not ratified the revising Convention.

in English

Article 29

The French and English texts of this Convention shall both be authentic.
