日本語訳:自動式板硝子工場に於ける労働時間の規律に関する条約(第四十三号)〔未批准仮訳(『ILO条約・勧告集 第7版』労働省編、労務行政研究所、2000年)〕

C43 (Shelved) Sheet-Glass Works Convention, 1934
Convention for the Regulation of Hours of Work in Automatic Sheet-Glass Works (Note: Date of coming into force: 13:01:1938.)
Session of the Conference:18
Date of adoption:21:06:1934


in English
The General Conference of the International Labour Organisation,

Having been convened at Geneva by the Governing Body of the International Labour Office, and having met in its Eighteenth Session on 4 June 1934, and

Having decided upon the adoption of certain proposals with regard to the regulation of hours of work in automatic sheet-glass works, which is the third item on the agenda of the Session, and

Having determined that these proposals shall take the form of an international Convention,

adopts the twenty-first day of June of the year one thousand nine hundred and thirty-four, the following Convention, which may be cited as the Sheet-Glass Works Convention, 1934:

1 本条約は、板硝子又は厚さ及他の寸法に於てのみ板硝子と異る同一性質の他の硝子を自動式機械に依り製造する板硝子工場に於ける必然的に継続する作業に於て連続交替制にて労働する者に之を適用す。
2 必然的に継続する作業とは、熔解せる硝子の機械への供給及機械の運転の自動的且継続的なる性質に依り、必然的に昼、夜又は週の如何なる時にも中断することなくして行はるる一切の作業を謂ふ。

in English
Article 1

1. This Convention applies to persons who work in successive shifts in necessarily continuous operations in sheet-glass works which manufacture by automatic machines sheet-glass or other glass of the same characteristics which only differs from sheet-glass in thickness and other dimensions.

2. By necessarily continuous operations are meant all operations which, on account of the automatic and continuous character of the feeding of the molten glass to the machines and the working of the machines, are necessarily carried on without a break at any time of the day, night or week.

1 本条約の適用を受くる者は、少くとも四交替班を設くる制度に依り使用せらるべし。
2 右の者の労働時間は、一週に付平均四十二時間を超えざるべし。
3 右の平均は、四週間を超えざる期間に付計算せらるべし。
4 一交替番の労働時間は、八時間を超えざるべし。
5 同一の交替班に依る二の交替番間の間隔は、十六時間を下らざるべし。尤も右間隔は、必要あるときは、交替班の定期的転換の場合に於て之を短縮することを得。

in English
Article 2

1. The persons to whom this Convention applies shall be employed under a system providing for at least four shifts.

2. The hours of work of such persons shall not exceed an average of forty-two per week.

3. This average shall be calculated over a period not exceeding four weeks.

4. The length of a spell of work shall not exceed eight hours.

5. The interval between two spells of work by the same shift shall not be less than sixteen hours. Provided that this interval may where necessary be reduced on the occasion of the periodical change-over of shifts.

1 第二条2、3及4に規定せらるる時間制限は、之を超ゆることを得べく、又5に規定せらるる間隔は、之を短縮することを得。尤も左の場合に於て企業の通常の操業に対する重大なる障礙を除去するに必要なる限に於てとす。
 (a) 現実なる若は急迫せる災害の場合、機械若は装置に対し施さるべき緊急作業の場合又は不可抗力の場合、又は
 (b) 交替班の一人又は二人以上の班員の予見せられざる欠席を補ふ場合
2 本条に従ひ労働せらるる一切の増加時間に対する充分なる補償は、国内の法令若は規則に依り又は関係ある使用者団体及労働者団体間の協定に依り定めらるべき方法に於て与へらるべし。

in English
Article 3

1. The limits of hours prescribed in paragraphs 2, 3 and 4 of Article 2 may be exceeded and the interval prescribed in paragraph 5 reduced, but only so far as may be necessary to avoid serious interference with the ordinary working of the undertaking--

(a) in case of accident, actual or threatened, or in case of urgent work to be done to machinery or plant, or in case of force majeure ; or

(b) in order to make good the unforeseen absence of one or more members of a shift.

2. Adequate compensation for all additional hours worked in accordance with this Article shall be granted in such manner as may be determined by national laws or regulations or by agreement between the organisations of employers and workers concerned.

(a) 工場若は他の適当なる場所の見易き箇所に掲示することに依り又は権限ある機関に依り承認せらるべき他の方法に依り、各交替班の始業及終業の時刻を公示すること。
(b) 権限ある機関に依り承認せらるべき方法及公示を以てする外右の如く公示せられたる時刻を変更せざること。
(c) 本条約第三条に従ひ労働せらるる一切の増加時間及之に対し与へらるる補償を権限ある機関に依り定めらるる様式に従ひ記録すること。

in English
Article 4

In order to facilitate the effective enforcement of the provisions of this Convention every employer shall be required--

(a) to notify, by the posting of notices in conspicuous positions in the works or other suitable place or by such other method as may be approved by the competent authority, the hours at which each shift begins and ends;

(b) not to alter the hours so notified except in such manner and with such notice as may be approved by the competent authority; and

(c) to keep a record in the form prescribed by the competent authority of all additional hours worked in pursuance of Article 3 of this Convention and of the compensation granted in respect thereof.


in English
Article 5

The formal ratifications of this Convention shall be communicated to the Director-General of the International Labour Office for Registration.

Article 6

1. This Convention shall be binding only upon those Members of the International Labour Organisation whose ratifications have been registered with the Director-General.

2. It shall come into force twelve months after the date on which the ratifications of two members have been registered with the Director-General.

3. Thereafter, this Convention shall come into force for any Member twelve months after the date on which its ratification has been registered.

Article 7

As soon as the ratifications of two Members of the International Labour Organisation have been registered with the International Labour Office, the Director-General of the International Labour Office shall so notify all the Members of the International Labour Organisation. He shall likewise notify them of the registration of ratifications which may be communicated subsequently by other Members of the Organisation.

Article 8

1. A Member which has ratified this Convention may denounce it after the expiration of ten years from the date on which the Convention first comes into force, by an Act communicated to the Director-General of the International Labour Office for registration. Such denunciation shall not take effect until one year after the date on which it is registered with the International Labour Office.

2. Each member which has ratified this Convention and which does not, within the year following the expiration of the period of ten years mentioned in the preceding paragraph, exercise the right of denunciation provided for in this Article, will be bound for another period of ten years and, thereafter, may denounce this Convention at the expiration of each period of ten years under the terms provided for in this Article.

Article 9

At the expiration of each period of ten years after the coming into force of this Convention, the Governing Body of the International Labour Office shall present to the General Conference a report on the working of this Convention and shall consider the desirability of placing on the agenda of the Conference the question of its revision in whole or in part.

Article 10

1. Should the Conference adopt a new Convention revising this Convention in whole or in part, then unless the new Convention otherwise provides,

(a) the ratification by a Member of the new revising Convention shall

ipso jure involve the immediate denunciation of this Convention,

notwithstanding the provisions of Article 8 above, if and when

the new revising Convention shall have come into force;

(b) as from the date when the new revising convention into force, this

Convention shall cease to be open to ratification by the Members.

2. This Convention shall in any case remain in force in its actual form and content for those Members which have ratified it but have not ratified the revising convention.

Article 11

The French and English texts of this Convention shall both be authentic.
