日本語訳:炭坑に於ける労働時間を制限する条約(第三十一号)〔未批准仮訳(『ILO条約・勧告集 第7版』労働省編、労務行政研究所、2000年)〕

C31 (Withdrawn) Hours of Work (Coal Mines) Convention, 1931
Convention Limiting Hours of Work in Coal Mines
(Note: This Convention has not yet come into force. It was revised in 1935 by Convention No. 46.)<
Session of the Conference:15
Date of adoption:18:06:1931


in English

The General Conference of the International Labour Organization, Having been convened in Geneva by the Governing Body of the International Labour Office, and having met in its 88th Session on 30 May 2000, and Following consideration of the proposal for the withdrawal of several international labour Conventions, which is the seventh item on the agenda of this session; decides this fifteenth day of June of the year two thousand to withdraw the Hours of Work (Coal Mines) Convention, 1931 (No. 31). The Director-General of the International Labour Office shall notify all Members of the International Labour Organization as well as the Secretary-General of the United Nations of this decision to withdraw the instrument.< The English and French versions of the text of this decision are equally authoritative. The General Conference of the International Labour Organisation,

Having been convened at Geneva by the Governing Body of the International Labour Office, and having met in its Fifteenth Session on 28 May 1931, and

Having decided upon the adoption of certain proposals with regard to hours of work in coal mines, which is the second item on the agenda of the Session, and

Having determined that these proposals shall take the form of an international Convention,

adopts the eighteenth day of June of the year one thousand nine hundred and thirty-one, the following Convention, which may be cited as the Hours of Work (Coal Mines) Convention, 1931, for ratification by the Members of the International Labour Organisation in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution of the International Labour Organisation:

1 本条約は、一切の炭坑即ち硬炭若は褐炭のみが又は他の鉱物と共に主として硬炭若は褐炭が採掘せらるる鉱山に之を適用す。
2 本条約に於て「褐炭坑」と称するのは、石炭紀後の地質年代の石炭が採掘せらるる鉱山を謂ふ。

in English
Article 1

1. This Convention shall apply to all coal mines, that is to say, to any mine from which only hard coal or lignite, or principally hard coal or lignite together with other minerals, is extracted.

2. For the purpose of this Convention, the term lignite mine shall mean any mine from which coal of a geological period subsequent to the carboniferous period is extracted.

(a) 地下炭坑に在りては、如何なる使用者に依り及如何なる種類の作業に使用せらるるを問はず、地下に於て就業する者、但し監督又は管理に従事し通常筋肉労働を為さざる者を除く。
(b) 露天炭坑に在りては、直接又は間接に石炭の採掘に使用せらるる者、但し、監督又は管理に従事し通常筋肉労働を為さざる者を除く。

in English
Article 2

For the purpose of this Convention, the term worker shall mean--

(a) in underground coal mines, any person occupied underground, by whatever employer and on whatever kind of work he may be employed, except persons engaged in supervision or management who do not ordinarily perform manual work;

(b) in open coal mines, any person employed directly or indirectly in the extraction of coal, except persons engaged in supervision or management who do not ordinarily perform manual work.

1 在地下坑時間とは、労働者が下降する為「ケージ」に入る時より其の上昇後「ケージ」より出づる時迄の時間を謂ふ。
2 通行が横坑に依りて為さるる鉱山に在りては、在坑時間とは、労働者が坑口を通過する時より其の地表に帰還する時迄の時間を謂ふ。
3 如何なる地下硬炭坑に在りても、労働者の在坑時間は、一日七時間四十五分を超えざるべし。

in English
Article 3

Hours of work in underground hard coal mines shall mean the time spent in the mine, calculated as follows:

1. Time spent in an underground mine shall mean the period between the time when the worker enters the cage in order to descend and the time when he leaves the cage after re-ascending.

2. In mines where access is by an adit the time spent in the mine shall mean the period between the time when the worker passes through the entrance of the adit and the time of his return to the surface.

3. In no underground hard coal mine shall the time spent in the mine by any worker exceed seven hours and forty-five minutes in the day.

in English
Article 4

The provisions of this Convention shall be deemed to be complied with if the period between the time when the first workers of the shift or of any group leave the surface and the time when they return to the surface is the same as that laid down in paragraph 3 of Article 3. The order of and the time required for the descent and ascent of a shift and of any group of workers shall, moreover, be approximately the same.

1 本条第二項の規定の留保の下に、国内の法令又は規則が在坑時間の計算の為、労働者の下降又は上昇が全国に於ける一切の労働者交替班の下降又は上昇の秤量平均時間に依りて計算せらるべきことを規定するときは、本条約の規定は、遵守せられ居るものと認めらるべし。此の場合に於ては、交替班の最後の労働者が地表を去る時より同一交替班最初の労働者が地表に帰還する時迄の時間は、何れの鉱山に於ても、七時間十五分を超えざるべし。但し労働者の一種類としての採炭夫が同一交替班中の他の種類の地下労働者に比し平均して一層長き時間労働することと為るべき如何なる規律方法も許されざるべし。
2 本条に定めらるる方法を適用したる後、第三条及第四条の規定を適用する締盟国は、当該変更を同時に国の全部に付為すべく其の一部に付為さざるべし。

in English
Article 5

1. Subject to the provisions of the second paragraph of this Article, the provisions of this Convention shall be deemed to be complied with if the national laws or regulations prescribe that for calculating the time spent in the mine the descent or ascent of the workers is to be calculated according to the weighted average duration of the descent or ascent of all shifts of workers in the whole country. In this case, the period between the time when the last worker of the shift leaves the surface and the time when the first worker of the same shift returns to the surface shall not in any time exceed seven hours and fifteen minutes; provided that no method of regulation shall be permitted by which the hewers as a class of workers would on the average work longer hours than the other classes of underground workers in the same shift.

2. Any Member which, having applied the method laid down in this Article, subsequently applies the provisions of Articles 3 and 4 shall make the change simultaneously for the whole country and not for any part thereof.

1 労働者は、日曜日及法定の公の休日に炭坑に於ける地下作業に使用せられざるべし。但し国内の法令又は規則は、十八歳を超ゆる労働者に付、左記に関し例外を許容することを規定することを得。
 (a) 性質上継続的に行はるることを要する作業
 (b) 鉱山の通気に関連する及通気装置に対する損害の防止に関連する作業、安全作業、災害及疾病の場合に於ける救急に関連する作業並に動物の世話
 (c) 測量作業にして企業の操業を中断し又は阻害することなくしては他の日に行はるることを得ざる限のもの
 (d) 機械及他の装置に関連する緊急作業にして鉱山の正規の操業時中に行はるることを得ざるもの並に使用者の統制外に在る他の緊急又は例外の場合
2 権限ある機関は、本条により許容せらるる場合を除くの外、如何なる作業も日曜日及法定の公の休日に行はれざることを確保する為適当の措置を執るべし。
3 本条1に依りて許さるる作業は、普通率の一倍四分の一を下らざる率に於て報酬を支払はるべし。
4 本条1に依りて許さるる作業に著しき程度に於て従事する労働者は、代償休暇を、又は本条3に明示せらるる率の外充分の特別報酬を保障せらるべし。此の規定の適用細目は、国内の法令又は規則に依り規律せらるべし。

in English
Article 6

1. Workers shall not be employed on underground work in coal mines on Sundays and legal public holidays. National laws or regulations may, however, authorise the following exceptions for workers over eighteen years of age:

(a) for work which, owing to its nature, must be carried on continuously;

(b) for work in connection with the ventilation of the mine and the prevention of damage to the ventilation apparatus, safety work, work in connection with first aid in the case of accident and sickness, and the care of animals;

(c) for survey work in so far as this cannot be done on other days without interrupting or disturbing the work of the undertaking;

(d) for urgent work in connection with machinery and other appliances which cannot be carried out during the regular working time of the mine, and in other urgent or exceptional cases which are outside the control of the employer.

2. The competent authorities shall take appropriate measures for ensuring that no work is done on Sundays and legal public holidays except as authorised by this Article.

3. Work permitted under paragraph 1 of this Article shall be paid for at not less than one-and-a-quarter times the regular rate.

4. Workers who are engaged to any considerable extent on work permitted under paragraph 1 of this Article shall be assured either a compensatory rest period or an adequate extra payment in addition to the rate specified in paragraph 3 of this Article. The detailed application of this provision shall be regulated by national laws or regulations.


in English
Article 7

Lower maxima than those specified in Articles 3, 4 and 5 shall be laid down by regulations made by public authority for workers in workplaces which are rendered particularly unhealthy by reason of abnormal conditions of temperature, humidity or other cause.

1 公の機関に依り設けらるる規則は、第三条、第四条、第五条及第七条に明示せらるる時間が左の場合に於て超えられ得ることを規定することを得。
 (a) 現実なる若は急迫せる災害の場合、不可抗力の場合又は鉱山に於ける機械、装置若は設備に対し右の機械、装置若は設備の故障の結果として施さるべき緊急作業の場合、尤も右の超過は、石炭の産出が之に依り附随的に伴はるることを問はざるも、当該鉱山に於ける通常の操業に対する重大なる障礙を除去するに必要なる限に於けるものとす。
 (b) 性質上継続的に行はるることを要する作業に又は技術的作業に使用せらるる労働者に関する場合、尤も右技術的作業は、当該労働者の労働が通常の方法に於て作業を準備し若は修了する為に又は次の交替班の作業の完全なる再開始の為に必要なる限に於けるものとし、且石炭の産出又は運搬に関せざるものたるべし。本号に依り許容せらるる増加時間は、各個の労働者に付一日半時間を超えざるべく、且通常の操業状態に於ける一切の鉱山に付ては、関係労働者の数は、如何なる時に於ても、当該鉱山に使用せらるる者の総数の五「パーセント」を超えざるべし。
2 本条の規定に従ひ労働せらるる超過時間は、普通率の一倍四分の一を下らざる率に於て報酬を支払はるべし。

in English
Article 8

1. Regulations made by public authority may provide that the hours specified in Articles 3, 4, 5 and 7 may be exceeded--

(a) in case of accident, actual or threatened, in case of force majeure, or in case of urgent work to be done to machinery, plant or equipment on the mine as a result of a breakdown of such machinery, plant or equipment, even if coal production is thereby incidentally involved, but only so far as may be necessary to avoid serious interference with the ordinary working of the mine; (b) for workers employed on operations which by their nature must be carried on continuously or on technical work, in so far as their work is necessary for preparing or terminating work in the ordinary way or for a full resumption of work on the next shift, provided, however, that this shall not refer to the production or transport of coal; the additional time authorised by this paragraph shall not exceed half an hour on any day for any individual worker, and in the case of all mines in normal operation the number of workers concerned shall at no time exceed 5 per cent. of the total number of persons employed at the mine.

2. Overtime worked in accordance with the provisions of this Article shall be paid for at not less than one-and-a-quarter times the regular rate.

1 公の機関に依り設けらるる規則は、第八条の規定の外一年に付六十時間を超えざる超過時間を全国に亘り企業の自由に委することを得。
2 右超過時間は、普通率の一倍四分の一を下らざる率に於て報酬を支払はるべし。

in English
Article 9

1. Regulations made by public authority may, in addition to the provisions of Article 8, put not more than sixty hours' overtime in the year at the disposal of undertakings throughout the country as a whole.

2. This overtime shall be paid for at not less than one-and-a-quarter times the regular rate.


in English
Article 10

The regulations mentioned in Articles 7, 8 and 9 shall be made by public authority after consultation with the organisations of employers and workers concerned.


in English
Article 11

The annual reports to be submitted under Article 22 of the Constitution of the International Labour Organisation shall contain all information as to the action taken to regulate the hours of work in accordance with the provisions of Articles 3, 4 and 5. They shall also furnish complete information concerning the regulations made under Articles 7, 8, 9, 12, 13 and 14 and concerning their enforcement.

(a) 坑口若は他の適当なる場所に見易く掲げらるる掲示に依り、又は公の機関に依り承認せらるべき他の方法に依り、各交替班又は各集団の労働者が下降を開始し及上昇を終了すべき時刻を公示すること。
(b) 第八条及第九条に依り労働せられたる一切の増加時間を、国内の法令又は規則に依り規定せらるる様式に従ひ記録すること。

in English
Article 12

In order to facilitate the enforcement of the provisions of this Convention, the management of every mine shall be required--

(a) to notify by means of notices conspicuously posted at the pithead or in some other suitable place, or by such other method as may be approved by the public authority, the hours at which the workers of each shift or group shall begin to descend and shall have completed the ascent.

These hours shall be approved by the public authority and be so fixed that the time spent in the mine by each worker shall not exceed the limits prescribed by this Convention. When once notified, they shall not be changed except with the approval of the public authority and by such notice and in such manner as may be approved by the public authority.

(b) to keep a record in the form prescribed by national laws or regulations of all additional hours worked under Articles 8 and 9.

1 地下褐炭坑に在りては、本条約第三条及第四条並に第六条乃至第十二条は、左の規定の留保の下に之を適用す。
 (a) 国内の法令又は規則に依り規定せらるべき条件に従ひ、権限ある機関は、生産停止を伴う団体的休止が在坑時間に包含せられざることを許可することを得。但し右休止は、如何なる場合に於ても、各交替班に付三十分を超えざるべし。右の許可は、右の如き制度の必要が各国の場合に於て公の調査に依り確証せられたる後且関係労働者の代表者に諮問の後に於てのみ与えらるべし。
 (b) 第九条に規定せらるる超過時間数は、一年に付七十五時間迄増加せらるることを得。
2 尚権限ある機関は、更に一年に付七十五時間を超えざる超過時間を定むる団体協約を承認することを得。此の再度の超過時間は、第九条第二項に規定せらるる率に於て同様に報酬を支払はるべし。右再度の超過時間は、一切の地下褐炭坑に付一般的には許容せられざるべく、特殊の技術上又は地質上の条件に依り之が要求せらるる各個の地方又は鉱山に付てのみ許容せらるべし。

in English
Article 13

1. In underground lignite mines Articles 3 and 4 and Articles 6 to 12 of this Convention shall apply subject to the following provisions:

(a) in accordance with such conditions as may be prescribed by national laws or regulations, the competent authority may permit collective breaks involving a stoppage of production not to be included in the time spent in the mine, provided that such breaks shall in no case exceed thirty minutes for each shift; such permission shall only be given after the necessity for such a system has been established by official investigation in each individual case, and after consultation with the representatives of the workers concerned;

(b) the number of hours overtime provided for in Article 9 may be increased to not more than seventy-five hours a year.

2. In addition, the competent authority may approve collective agreements which provide for not more than seventy-five hours further overtime a year. Such further overtime shall likewise be paid for at the rate prescribed in Article 9, paragraph 2. It shall not be authorised generally for all underground lignite mines, but only in the case of individual districts or mines where it is required on account of special technical or geological conditions.


in English
Article 14

In open hard coal and lignite mines Articles 3 to 13 of this Convention shall not be applicable. Nevertheless, Members which ratify this Convention undertake to apply to these mines the provisions of the Washington Convention of 1919 limiting the hours of work in industrial undertakings to eight in the day and forty-eight in the week, provided that the amount of overtime which may be worked in virtue of Article 6, paragraph (b), of the said Convention shall not exceed one hundred hours a year. Where special needs so require, and only in such cases, the competent authority may approve collective agreements which provide for an increase of the aforesaid one hundred hours by not more than a further hundred hours a year.


in English
Article 15

Nothing in this Convention shall have the effect of altering national laws or regulations with regard to hours of work so as to lessen the guarantees thereby afforded to the workers.


in English
Article 16

The operation of the provisions of this Convention may be suspended in any country by the Government in the event of emergency endangering the national safety.


in English
Article 17

The formal ratifications of this Convention under the conditions set forth in the Constitution of the International Labour Organisation shall be communicated to the Director-General of the International Labour Office for registration.

1 本条約は、国際労働事務局に其の批准を登録したる国際労働機関の締盟国のみを拘束すべし。
2 本条約は、国際労働事務局長が左記締盟国中の二国の批准を登録したる日より六月後に於て効力を発生すべし。白耳義国、「チエツコスロヴアキア」国、仏蘭西国、独逸国、「グレート・ブリテン」国、和蘭国及「ポーランド」国
3 爾後本条約は、何れの締盟国に付ても、其の批准を登録したる日より六月後に於て効力を発生すべし。

in English
Article 18

1. This Convention shall be binding only upon those Members of the International Labour Organisation whose ratifications have been registered with the International Labour Office.

2. It shall come into force six months after the date on which the ratifications of two of the following Members have been registered by the Director-General of the International Labour Office: Belgium, Czechoslovakia, France, Germany, Great Britain, Netherlands and Poland.

3. Thereafter the Convention shall come into force for any Member six months after the date on which its ratification has been registered.


in English
Article 19

As soon as the ratifications of two of the Members mentioned in the second paragraph of Article 18 have been registered with the International Labour Office, the Director-General of the International Labour Office shall so notify all the Members of the International Labour Organisation. He shall likewise notify them of the registration of ratifications which may be communicated subsequently by other Members of the Organisation.

1 本条約を批准したる締盟国は、本条約の最初の効力発生の日より五年の期間満了後に於て、国際労働事務局長宛登録の為にする通告に依り之を廃棄することを得。右の廃棄は、該事務局に登録ありたる日の後一年間は其の効力を生ぜず。
2 本条約を批准したる各締盟国にして前項に掲ぐる五年の期間満了後一年以内に本条約に定むる廃棄の権利を行使せざるものは、更に五年間拘束を受くべく、又爾後各三年の期間満了毎に、本条に定むる条件に依り、本条約を廃棄することを得。

in English
Article 20

1. A Member which has ratified this Convention may denounce it after the expiration of five years from the date on which the Convention first comes into force, by an act communicated to the Director-General of the International Labour Office for registration. Such denunciation shall not take effect until one year after the date on which it is registered with the International Labour Office.

2. Each Member which has ratified this Convention and which does not, within the year following the expiration of the period of five years mentioned in the preceding paragraph, exercise the right of denunciation provided for in this Article, will be bound for another period of five years and, thereafter, may denounce this Convention at the expiration of each period of three years under the terms provided for in this Article.

1 国際労働事務局の理事会は、本条約の効力発生より遅くとも三年以内に、左の点に付本条約の改正の問題を総会の会議事項に掲ぐべし。
 (a) 第三条3に規定せらるる労働時間を更に短縮するの可能性
 (b) 第五条に定めらるる例外的計算方法を用ふるの権利
 (c) 労働時間短縮の趣旨に於て第十三条(a)及(b)の規定を改正するの可能性
 (d) 第十四条に規定せらるる超過時間数の短縮の可能性
2 尚国際労働事務局の理事会は、本条約の効力発生より各十年の期間満了毎に、本条約の施行に関する報告を総会に提出すべく、且其の全部又は一部の改正に関する問題を総会の会議事項に掲ぐべきや否やを審議すべし。

in English
Article 21

1. At the latest within three years from the coming into force of this Convention the Governing Body of the International Labour Office shall place on the agenda of the Conference the question of the revision of this Convention on the following points:

(a) the possibility of a further reduction in the hours of work provided for in paragraph 3 of Article 3;

(b) the right to have recourse to the exceptional method of calculation laid down in Article 5;

(c) the possibility of modifying the provisions of Article 13, paragraphs (a) and (b), in the direction of a reduction of the hours of work;

(d) the possibility of a reduction in the amount of overtime provided for in Article 14.

2. Moreover, at such times as it may consider necessary the Governing Body of the International Labour Office shall present to the General Conference a report on the working of this Convention and shall examine the desirability of placing on the agenda of the Conference the question of its revision in whole or in part.

1 総会が本条約の全部又は一部を改正する新条約を採択する場合には、締盟国に依る新改正条約の批准は、新改正条約が効力を発生したるとき、前記第二十条の規定に拘らず、猶予の要件を要せずして、当然に本条約の廃棄を生ぜしむべし。
2 新改正条約の効力発生の日より、本条約は、締盟国に依り批准せられ得ざるに至るべし。
3 尤も本条約は、之を批准したるも改正条約を批准せざる締盟国に対しては、其の現在の形式及内容に於て引続き効力を有すべし。

in English
Article 22

1. Should the Conference adopt a new Convention revising this Convention in whole or in part, the ratification by a Member of the new revising Convention shall ipso jure involve denunciation of this Convention without any requirement of delay, notwithstanding the provisions of Article 20 above, if and when the new revising Convention shall have come into force.

2. As from the date of the coming into force of the new revising Convention, the present Convention shall cease to be open to ratification by the Members.

3. Nevertheless, this Convention shall remain in force in its actual form and content for those Members which have ratified it but have not ratified the revising Convention.

in English
Article 23

The French and English texts of this Convention shall both be authentic.

